Carts Guru API
How to integrate Carts Guru
This document explains the different methods to integrate your website with Carts Guru. The idea is to “push” your shopping carts and orders to our retargeting system.. This documentation suggests the best models to establish a secured connection..
Carts Tracking
Use our API to send carts from checkout
Orders Tracking
Use our API to send orders on confirmation page
Each request should be authenticated using authentication key. It should be sent using the HTTP header: x-auth-key. The data structure is JSON based, for both resulting data and data included in the body.
All fields are required unless specified otherwise.
We perform automatically some data validation. In case of validation error, the response will have his status code equal to 500 and you can find the details of the error in the body.
Though our API is fast to answer, we advise you to set a timeout on the calls to prevent issues.
Last updated