



Each request should be authenticated using authentication key. It should be sent using the HTTP header: x-auth-key. The data structure is JSON based, for both resulting data and data included in the body.

All fields are required unless specified otherwise.

We perform automatically some data validation. In case of validation error, the response will have his status code equal to 500 and you can find the details of the error in the body.

Though our API is fast to answer, we advise you to set a timeout on the calls to prevent issues.


The order data should be sent every time an order is created or when an order status is updated (Paid, Delivered, Refunded..).


    siteId: “”		    // SiteId is part of configuration
    id: "", 			// Order reference, the same display to the buyer
    cartId: “”, 		// Cart ID reference, source of the order 				
    creationDate: "", 	// (optional)    Date of the order as string in json format (2016-07-26T08:21:25.689Z) 
    totalATI: 0, 		// Amount included taxes and excluded shipping
    totalET: 0, 		// Amount excluded taxes and excluded shipping
    currency: "", 		// (optional)    Currency, ISO code 						
    paymentMethod: "", 	// Payment method used 						
    state: "",		    // (optional)    Status of the order
    ip: "",	            // (optional)    Visitor ip address 					
    accountId: "", 		// Account id of the buyer (use same identifier as Carts)
    civility: "",		// (optional)    Use string in this list : ‘mister','madam','miss' 			   
    lastname: "", 		// (optional)    Lastname of the buyer 						
    firstname: "", 		// (optional)    Firstname of the buyer 					
    email: "", 		    // Email address of the buyer 				
    homePhoneNumber: "", 	    // (optional)    Landline phone number of buyer 				
    mobilePhoneNumber: "",     // (optional)     Mobile phone number of buyer  					
    country: "", 		// Country of the buyer (you can send country or country code)
    language: "",    // (optional) language of the customer, can be different from the country: ISO code and lower case ex: en,fr,es.
    countryCode: "", 	// (required) Country ISO code of the buyer (you can send country or country code)
    custom: {},		    // (optional) Any custom fields you want to send with the cart. Standard fields are language (ISO code), customerGroup and isNewCustomer (optional)  
    buyerAcceptsMarketing: true, //(optional) True or false, depending if the customer wants to receive marketing   
  //Details of each items
    items: [ 
        id: "",	 	// SKU or product id
        label: "", 	// Designation 
        quantity: 0, 	// Count 
        totalATI: 0, 	// Total price included taxes
        totalET: 0, 	// Total price excluded taxes
        url: "", 	// URL of product sheet
        imageUrl: "",	// Image URL of the  product, size should be min 150*150, max 180*180
        universe: "",   // (optional)    Main category of the product 					
        category:  "" 	// (optional)    Sub category of the product 					

Last updated